Given the Industrial setting for this meeting of British lightweight contenders, another word could used to sum up this fight, industrious! Both are hard working, come forward aggressors, both throw many punches per round, neither are willing to give ground or take a backwards step, and as the late great commentator Reg Gutteridge used to quip; ‘This one could be fought in a telephone box’.
The fight will be promoted by Dave Coldwell, who is putting on a cracker here for the fans. Apparently this fight isn’t being shown on TV? Hey come on get a grip TV! – Tickets for the fight have almost sold-out and there would be a clamour to watch it on the box! So any Broadcasters who have somehow managed to accidentally miss this potential corker off your schedule, don’t worry here are the promoters details below, but hurry up, someone might beat you to it! Coldwell Boxing
131 Masbrough St.
S60 1HW
Email: [email protected]
Steven McGuire v Justyn Hugh
The Stewards decided to put out the above contest for purse bids to be submitted in accordance with the Terms and Conditions attached to the Board’s Head Office by 12.00noon on Wednesday, 12th December 2012, the contest to take place by the end of February 2013.
James DeGale MBE (Holder) v Mohammed Ali Ndiaye
The above contest to be promoted by Mick Hennessy, will take place on Saturday, 26th January 2013 at The Glow, Bluewater.
Lee Haskins (Holder) v Stephen Jamoye
The above contest to be promoted by GMG Cheratte Promotions, will take place on Friday, 14th December 2012 in Herstal, Belgium.
There are very strict terms and conditions that apply to all
promoters who wish to bid for European Championships including the
lodging of a cash bond with the British Boxing Board of Control
equivalent to the sum of 6,500 Euro. Any promoter not familiar with
these should contact the General Secretary in good time beforehand.
courtesy of
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