Well the short Christmas and New Year break is over and now it’s not long before the gyms are back in full swing. During the break the Venture Club opened the gym for the boxers to keep ticking over and that proved well worthwhile as three of the seniors had been picked for technical training for a Denmark match.
The boys concerned Ben Burnham, Ray Boyer and Saraj Samra know their way around a ring and will not let regional coach John Warburton down.
With the Youth Championships in the offing the girls, Chloe Watson and Caitlin Lane Smith, have high hopes and are working hard in the gym. Up and coming Leon Dettleaff is also hoping to join the roster of champions who have come from the club.
The Juniors Championships beckon for Leon Liversage and Mason Pearson and I have been very impressed over their form, however everyone knows what strong competition arises in these championships.
We had three entries in the cadet class namely Connor Payne, Callum Day and Tom Musker. All three are shaping up well.
You can see by these events plus club shows how busy Sean Trodden and the team of coaches are.
I have not been idle, a young kick boxer who has been showing excellent talent and is doing well, came to see me as he needed to improve his punching technique and so off we went to the Venture Club. He really likes it there and will be training with them when he’s not in the kick boxing gym, yes there is a real camaraderie at the Venture .
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Just prior to Christmas a friend of mine whose son wished to join a boxing club got in touch with me, so I took him down to a club where I once helped out at. I am happy to say the young boy likes it there. My second visit was something of a laugh. As a coach there said, ‘Have you come here spying?’. When I told my friend Richie Wenton, former undefeated super bantam champ and and Lonsdale Belt holder, he burst out laughing and said ‘I didn’t know that Floyd Mayweather coached there!’
I know you can learn off anyone but there are limits!
Over Christmas I had a call from that wonderful ex – Liverpool boxer Danny Peters. He told me about a young boxer and he wanted my opinion of him, as in Danny’s own words he said he could go a long way in the game. So yesterday I went to see the young boxer concerned and I was not disappointed. I was very impressed with him to say the least. I was really impressed with his footwork and head movement plus he was always in range to counter punch. His work rate and ethic could not be faulted, he is not situated a million miles from Manchester and I said to Danny that my mouth waters with what Pat Barrett could make of the boy. Yes I am looking forward to seeing how this young man comes along.
Through Danny I also cae in contact with Mr. George Evans the ABA referee. I did not know
George, however during a conversation with Danny we were talking of boxers who seemed to have all the talent but were somehow were left on the shelf.
I mentioned Syd and Ronny Greb who I saw box at the old Liverpool Stadium. Danny pulled up in his car and the next thing I knew he had phoned George Evans up who happened to be Syd and Ronny’s nephew.
Well we arranged a meeting and I found that George Evans is one 110% boxing man.
During the same period of Syd and Ronny Greb there was a wonderful talented boxer from Manchester Peter King who never reached the heights he should have. Yes, along with the Greb’s Peter was a bit too good for his own good.
I just can’t wait for the next Black Flash Promotions and see the prospects strut their stuff and that takes place at the Fusion Nightclub, Liverpool on Friday 17th February 2017 with Artif Ali, Byron Abiru, Marcel Braithwaite and Steven Floyd on view.
I definitely feel the talented duo of Marcel Braithwaite and Steven Floyd can really make a mark in the sport and I am very interested in seeing what Artif Ali and Byron Abiru can bring to the table.
On many occasions I saw Byron’s grandfather, Orlando Paso, box. He fought all the heavy iron in the middleweight division and could give anyone a hard night. Yes Byron has something to live up to, Orando Paso was some fighter alright.
Until next time,
Good Luck, God Bless,
Tommy Dix.